LP Locked

【Lock-up Announcement: MDS-LP Locked for 1 Year】

Based on the latest on-chain information, the official wallet address used by MetaDragon for adding liquidity is:


On August 11, 2023, the total of 15951.4 Cake-LP will be transferred to the lock-up contract with a lock-up period of 1 year.

On-chain record:

New Knowledge: How to Check the Quantity and Time of LP Lock-up?

Step 1: Visit the lock-up address of the lock-up contract:

Step 2: Enter the wallet address in the "account (address)" .


Click "Query"

The query results are as follows:

  1. [balanceOf method Response] = uint256: 15951400000000000000000

  2. [expireTimestampOf method Response] = uint256: 1723267076


The first value is the quantity of locked LP tokens, which is 15951.4 when divided by 10 to the power of 8.

The second value is the lock-up timestamp = 1723267076. The current timestamp is 1691731076. Adding 365 days of lock-up time, which is 86400 seconds (1 day) × 365, gives the unlock time as 1691731076 + 31536000 = 1723267076.

Last updated