
The guild is a scene in the game where groups fight and cooperate to obtain resources.

When not in a guild

View Guilds: View all guilds and choose one to join.

Create a Guild: Create your own guild.

Search Guilds: Search and view specific guilds.

When you have joined a guild

Guild Market, where guild contribution coins can be used to exchange hero fragments, rare equipment, summon scrolls, etc.

Guild Donations:

Donate with gold coins and $MDS, and get "guild contribution coins" after donating, which can be exchanged for resources in the guild market.

Guild trial:

Challenge bosses and get Guild Contribution Coins, EXP, and Gold as rewards.

Guild Activity:

After completing the daily guild tasks, you can increase the guild activity.

After the guild is fully active, you can get guild contribution coins and gold coins

Last updated